Yes. Your personal information is not revealed to the end client. Only aggregate information is provided.
We will not provide any sponsor with your survey responses on an identifiable basis unless we obtain your consent.
If you participate in a survey administered by a third-party market research company, this company may identify you when you participate in the survey.
We require these companies to agree that they will not provide the survey sponsor with personally identifiable information about you based on your participation in the survey, nor will they market to you based on such participation.
For more information, please review the WebMD survey privacy policy.
I noticed that this faq is listed twice on the main page of the FAQ and you can remove one: Are the responses I provide within a survey confidential?
Please note: Do not include any personal information when contacting Customer Support, except for the email address you registered with, the survey number if relevant, and a description of the problem you encountered.